Saturday, April 28, 2012

My New Blog will be


Where did the time go. I have 1 day and a wake up call left of my Daniel Fast and boy have I been woken UP.

I would like to first apologize for not blogging this past week, as my daughter was here visiting, and my step daughter had a baby, and I was preparing the next classes for my CycleBreaker Class, well and Prayer comes before my blog.

I than want to Challenge anyone and everyone who has a desire to Deepen their relationship with the Lord, or to see how powerful you cna be with the Lord to embark on the Daniel Fast.

This will be a family tradition in my home. Next year after celebrating Jesus's ressurection I will embark on the 2nd annual Daniel Fast as will Nik. Also some Exciting News next year Rick, Emma, and Hannah will be doing it with us. Amazing How God works.

So I want to get some non important things out of the way. People ask what I am excited for, I am excited for a Cup of Coffee if I was been completely honest and if I had to pick a food a piece of Chicken (any kind of chicken) but the truth be known I am SAD the fast is ending.

Yes, I said it SAD the fast is ending and in looking at why, I had to do some DEEP SOUL SEARCHING!!!!!

I have concluded that I LOVE the fact that I Cry out to God when I am craving something and than God gives me the Strength to say No. Than I realize God is ALL I Need and with Him I can do anything.

I LOVE that I spend so much time with HIM. See when I was bored I always went to facebook. When I was bored on the fast I went to my Bible

I also am enjoying my new tastebuds and all the new things I have tried and the fact that I do not eat to a glutten state anymore.

Well, I will hope to Blog tomorrow and if you liked this blog I am starting one for my CycleBreakers

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Evening,
      I can't believe I am on my 2nd week. I am actually loving this fast. I am not struggling anymore. I do have times where I would like different things. Tonight at dinner Rick poured a tall glass of milk. Oh my did I think wow wouldnt I like to have a drink of that milk. Than Rick (you know my loving husband who is not doing the fast and I still cook food for him that I am not allowed to eat) started to tell me how yummy water is. Oh it is yummy alright but sometimes you like other things.
     I have really started to enjoy Lara Bars, thank you Heidi. My favorite are Coconut. I tried making tortilla chips tonight and well they were HORRIBLE. so hoping Gloria makes some of her yummy ones and gives me some.
   I did not hear about the job today so I will remain a JCCO. That is fine that must be where God wants me and I am ok with that because I LOVE my job.
  So excited that my daughter will be here soon and I can meet Jacob.

        Well off to bed, Nighty Night

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOve Sundays. What a glorious day it is too

  I was so excited to be a part of Jaime and Sydney's baptism. What an awesome feeling to know you are celebrating not only with your earthly friends and family but your heavenly angels too

  I was able to share just a little of my testimony of my weight program first place 4 health and I thought I would write about how God has been working in my life over the past 10 weeks.

  See I started Cycle Breakers 5lbs under the heaviest weight I have ever been and I was feeling pretty hopeless. Well I remember how week 1 I was very mindful of what I was eating but not really bought into the program and than as the weeks went on and I started really doing my studies I began to open my Heart to Let God change me. I think I could have done this at any point but I just wasnt listening. You know being still and listening to where and what the Lord wants for me. Well, I have begun to listen and with 20lbs gone I am excited to see the next 20lb and then the next and the next. I have learned though that even when I get to a weight that I feel God wants me at I do not want to lose what I have learned. I want to ALWAYS Keep God first in my life. I want to start each day with Him and end each day with him. I want to give things up for him on a regular basis. I want to be in constant prayer. I want to allow His Light to shine thru Me so that others can see How Wonderful God really is.

   The Daniel Fast is going very well. I am not experiencing any side affects anymore. I am truly enjoying the fact that God is teaching me that Food has no place in control of my thoughts or emotions and that with Him I do not even desire it. This week I am going to try and make homemade toritilla chips and some of the sauces. I am very excited for that.

  I hope you all have a very Blessed Day and remember today is a Day for the Lord


Saturday, April 14, 2012

and Just incase my stepson reads my Blog I wanted to give a BIG shout out to him

Happy 25th Birthday Rich. I love you so much and miss you too
Day 6

       Well where to begin, It was a great day. The girls and I had their rooms clean before 9am, then off to swimming and Brooke's party. Oh wait and lets not forget the girls hair cut. I had done some of my Bible reading but not alot of praying and Satan waits for those opportunity's to just sneak in and BOY did he try to Sneak in. He actually made it in with my attitude. Something I have been learning about this week. Well, once you pray and Remember the Battle is already WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a member of God's army not satans my Blood Pressure could come down. I could ask for forgiveness and in the morning I will be apologizing to my husband, the girls and Nik. Oh my was I not very nice.

       The Fast in itself is going great, I am starting to LOVE the new foods I am trying and I am not hungry anymore. I don't crave coffee like I used too or soda.

       Facebook seems like a distant memory. When ever I take a cute picture I always send it to facebook. I do not get one facebook I do not even see facebook it is just sent as a text message. My daughter called tonight and said my brother was stating I was on facebook. I wasn't nor do I want to go on either.

      Well off to bed because i am speaking at church tomorrow and reading the scripture, and watching Sydney profess her LOVE of Jesus by being baptized and don't forget apologizing to my family for my awful behavior.

                 Nighty night

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  I cna't believe it. I am starting to learn how to eat now. There are some YUMMY things. For instance all you Trader Joes Shopper's. The Plantation Chips are truly amazing and tonight I had ginger curry carrot soup, delish
  So I stopped to ponder this realization over food. There are things I am eating that I would have never eaten if not for the fast and there are things that I would have not liked but when you do not have a lot of chemicals in your body and then you taste something you truly taste it. I am very thankful for the lessons I am learning and the time God is blessing me with for His Glory
   People notice when you are on a  fast because so many things have forbidden foodsl when they notice they ask questions and then I get to talk about how AMAZING GOD IS. I love that part of it,

   I am also learning how much time I was wasting when I could use that time to talk with God, or read my bible, or memorize scripture.

  oh and for those who worry about how I am doing with not going on facebook. I am doing fine. At times I miss it and other times I dont even think about it. I am re-training my mind with my blackberry so instead of facebook I go to my bible app.

  I never heard today about the job. Well there is always tuesday. I truly know if God wants me there I will be there and if he doesn't I won't. The bottom line is I want to be where God has me not where Kelli wants to be


Thursday, April 12, 2012

thank you laura for the picture and thank you Marcia for the scripture

This verse says it all for me. One of the reason's for my fast. One of the reasons for my Journey to a Deeper Relationship with God.

       Day 4 was very difficult for me. I guess I never realized how much I crave crtain foods. See Facebook after day 2 was a thing of the past, don't get me wrong every once in a while I will think about it but not CRAVE it the way I am craving certain fod items. My craving's for food aren't really for any specific item either. I think it is more like any FOOD I can't have that someone else is eating. Let me explain by my day. Smelling Rick's coffee in the morning and watching him put his cream and stevia in it. Yummy but on the forbidden list. Then heading to court where everyone is drinking more coffee, that wasn't too bad though because I was drinking a yummy delicious glass of water. Well that is what I am telling my self it is yummy and delicious. Then off for lunch, we all went and made salad's. Well the store we went did not have any fresh fruit on the Salad bar, so just vege's for me. No cheese, no chicken, one co-worker (Jen- lucky I love her) even put popcorn chicken on her salad, hot out of the deli. Oh I so wanted to eat Carol's cottage cheese too. Lunch was bad and it got worse when some went for a chocolate piece of candy from Carol's office (Carol- why fill the candy bowl now). Oh and I forgot to mention they were drinking soda, and tea. well I made it thru because I started to remind my self why I am doing this. For God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  well dinner came and I was too tired to cook so left over vegetable soup and some nuts, they were yummy ( that is what I am telling myself). Rick and the kids had Pizza.

    There are a few pointers I have learned from today
              1. a 21 day Fast with eatiing only vege's, fruit, and seeds is NOT easy
              2. doing a fast truly increases your prayer time
              3. it is crazy the food our body craves, now to just train my body to CRAVE God that way and I will be all set

                         God Bless You all,

Monday, April 9, 2012

  Day 1-- I was quite amazed today to find myself not so much having to pull back from Food as I had to remind myself over and over NO FACEBOOK. I sat and pondered why???? I know I have a strong bond to food but to facebook, I would have said No but Actions so speak louder than words. I wonder how many others might have the same issue. Of is it really FOOD because when I am bored I go to food, if i do not have food or I am limiting my food I go to Facebook. Well, I am sure as the days and weeks go on I will figure which is worse Food or Facebook.

              Psalm 58-- the reasons for FAST.

               Nik is struggling with FOOD pray for him.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day or many know it as Happy Easter,

   Today was an amazing day from start to finish. It is such an amazing day for Christians as today marks the day that Jesus rose from the dead.
   As the day started my church held their service at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland. What was more amazing than that our church wanted to give back to the Portland Community by donating are entire offering to Barbara Bush Hospital. This was a very special event for me. When Emma Grace was 1yrs old she almost died. She had to be on life support for approx. 10 days while her body fought an infection in her throat. It was a very scary time in our life. One where you realize that we our God's children and we have no control over when he decides to bring us home. We were very thankful that He has continued to allow us to be Emma's parents. When we were on the Barabara Bush Unit we met and saw many families who this is a part of their lives daily. It was an honor for me to be a part of this event. Praise God our church offering was over 30,000. May all the families, children and hospital staff be blessed by this offering and know this was a gift from God.
   Than we had our African friends over for Easter Dinner. They are now part of our family. The lessons they taught us will be life changing. People think they do not have much but They have SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! They are happy and are so thankful for what they do have. Contentment, Joy, Love, Kindness are just a few of the traits that you can see in their smiles. I will have some pictures added.

  So in recapping my day; being reminded of the never failing Hope in Jesus, Giving to Barbara Bush to help families at some of the hardest moments in their life; and then extending our family with 7 new family members.
   I am so Blessed. Thank you Lord for teaching me daily.  I LOVE you.

For any who are following, Please be praying for myself, Nik, Gloria, Phil, Michelle, Bonnie, and Laura as we embark on our Journey

Saturday, April 7, 2012

This is how I have felt. I want to be the best I can be. I want to give my all to My Saviour. I am so looking  forward to this Journey. I hope you all will enjoy this blog not for what I am doing or who I will become but on How God can do amazing things in someone is just ordinary without Him

Be Back on Monday

Happy Easter

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I am starting a Blog about my journey on the Daniel fast. I will be only eating fruits, vegetables, and seeds. I will only be drinking water.  Why you might ask?  Well it all began in 2011. God was calling me to have a deeper relationship with him. 2011 was a very hard year for me. I had a choice to let all the bad that happen define me or to allow God to help me grow stronger thru it.  It began with my husband needing 3 surgeries, one on his knee, one on his hand, and one on his Stoma. My children experienced some difficult times. My son was deployed for his 2nd tour overseas. My oldest brother died and went home to be with the Lord. My ex-husband died a tragic death. and the list could go on and on. Through all this heart ache though we had celebrations too. My son had a wedding ceremony that was absolutely beautiful, my daughter married an amazing man. My daughter and step-daughter became pregnant. My grandson Liam was born. I was finally Blessed with being able to go on my first Missions trip. I went to Peru.
 2011 brought me more to my knees crying out to the Lord and trusting Him and when I came back to the states after going to Peru that is when I realized God was calling me to have a much deeper relationship with him.
 I began co-leading a Cycle Breakers (First Place 4 Health) group at my church. This group showed me what was missing in my life and more importantly in my relationship with God.
 So as I write this we are on week 10 and I have lost 20lbs but I have gained so much more. I have begun praying before I start my day and as I end my day. I am memorizing scripture, I am fasting, I am deeping my relationship with God.
 So I am now going to embark on a journey to give the Holy Spirit his righteous spot in my temple. Complete Control. I will be doing the Daniel Fast starting the day after Easter.
  I will be blogging about my Day, my journey, my devotional and a whole lot more.