Thursday, April 12, 2012

This verse says it all for me. One of the reason's for my fast. One of the reasons for my Journey to a Deeper Relationship with God.

       Day 4 was very difficult for me. I guess I never realized how much I crave crtain foods. See Facebook after day 2 was a thing of the past, don't get me wrong every once in a while I will think about it but not CRAVE it the way I am craving certain fod items. My craving's for food aren't really for any specific item either. I think it is more like any FOOD I can't have that someone else is eating. Let me explain by my day. Smelling Rick's coffee in the morning and watching him put his cream and stevia in it. Yummy but on the forbidden list. Then heading to court where everyone is drinking more coffee, that wasn't too bad though because I was drinking a yummy delicious glass of water. Well that is what I am telling my self it is yummy and delicious. Then off for lunch, we all went and made salad's. Well the store we went did not have any fresh fruit on the Salad bar, so just vege's for me. No cheese, no chicken, one co-worker (Jen- lucky I love her) even put popcorn chicken on her salad, hot out of the deli. Oh I so wanted to eat Carol's cottage cheese too. Lunch was bad and it got worse when some went for a chocolate piece of candy from Carol's office (Carol- why fill the candy bowl now). Oh and I forgot to mention they were drinking soda, and tea. well I made it thru because I started to remind my self why I am doing this. For God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  well dinner came and I was too tired to cook so left over vegetable soup and some nuts, they were yummy ( that is what I am telling myself). Rick and the kids had Pizza.

    There are a few pointers I have learned from today
              1. a 21 day Fast with eatiing only vege's, fruit, and seeds is NOT easy
              2. doing a fast truly increases your prayer time
              3. it is crazy the food our body craves, now to just train my body to CRAVE God that way and I will be all set

                         God Bless You all,

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